
Managing cyber threats and responses in your portfolio

Managing cyber threats and responses in your portfolio

Managing cyber threats and responses in your portfolio


Join cyber experts and former national intelligence professionals Richard Williams and Max Pemberton for an exclusive full-day training package consisting of six core modules designed to extend participant knowledge beyond basic annual cyber awareness training:


  • The Threat: How does the threat operate and what makes organisations attractive
  • Security System Exposure: What vulnerabilities present in systems and why they are an issue
  • Cyber Security Systems: How proactive security systems work and organisational considerations
  • A Risk Based Approach: How to establish a coordinated, proactive and realistic approach to cybersecurity
  • The National Ecosystem: What do the government agencies do and how can they help
  • Incident Response: How to prepare for an incident and what to do when one occurs


This training seeks to empower managers and their portfolio companies to better understand the cyber problem set and combat this critical issue in a proactive and cost-efficient way.


NB venue in Sydney CBD will be disclosed following registration.


Richard Williams   Max Pemberton
Managing Director

Managing Director
PSG Cyber Intelligence



9:30AM - 4:30PM



Sydney NSW 2000


Members $990

Non-members $N/A

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